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Heart Rate Zones

The Fitrockr Health Solution platform allows setting default or custom heart rate zones. These heart rate zones provide valuable information such as:

– Activity minutes spent within each heart rate zone per day

– Activity minutes spent within each heart rate zone for a selected duration

– Activity minutes spent within each heart rate zone during a recorded workout

Default Heart Rate Zone

Default heart rate zone is automatically set when age is entered into the user profile. This can either be done when creating a user profile via CREATE or editing an existing profile that was created via QUICK CREATE before.

Default heart rate zones are calculated as follows:

Max heart rate: 220-age

– Red Zone: 90% of max heart rate

– Anaerobic Zone: 80% of max heart rate

– Aerobic Zone: 70% of max heart rate

– Fat Burn Zone: 60% of max heart rate

– Health Zone: 50% of max heart rate.

Custom Heart Rate Zone

Custom heart rate zones can freely be defined by clicking on CUSTOMIZE ZONES in the user profile.

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