How to charge Garmin devices best

How to charge Garmin devices best Garmin devices are shipped with a USB charging cable only. This means that a charging plug has to be purchased separately.  If an underpowered charging plug is used, it will take significantly longer to charge a Gar ...

Wearable and Device ID Management

Wearable and Device ID Management Garmin wearables and devices utilise the following identifiers:  MAC Address: the wearable MAC address is a unqiue ID that is transferred from the device to Fitrockr. However, the MAC address changes whenever the ...

Privacy & Security

Data protection and security tailored to sensitive data research projects Fitrockr provides secure EU cloud or local on-premise data storage compliant with the latest security and data protection regulations.  – ISO-certified cloud servers located i ...

Pricing, Plans & Payment

Pricing Plans Payment Our pricing is based on user numbers and length of access. Please contact us in case of large user numbers, limited research funds or if you need a custom quote. We also offer a free of charge 2 week trial. View detailed pricing pla ...

Setup: Prepare Wearable Devices

Prepare Wearable Devices It is recommended that you technically prepare your Garmin devices before deploying them to your participants. The technical preparation should consist of the following steps:Upgrade Firmware of Garmin DeviceGarmin devices are ...

Data Dictionary

Data Dictionary USER User Id: unique identifier of the user.First Name: first name.Last Name: last name.Email: email address. Team Names: list of assigned teams of the user.Group Names: list of assigned groups of the user.Year of Birth: year of b ...

How to use Fitrockr Live Streaming​

How to use Fitrockr Live Streaming Set up userEach Garmin device that should be live streamed requires a user in Fitrockr.To set up a user, go to the Fitrockr Control Center (Web App) and select Users from the left-side navigation.Create user. If user ...